Wednesday, July 27, 2011

27 July 2011 - Day 1

7:30am Tried on the dresses that bought for Noah's birthday and although 2 fit, NONE look good! How on earth a 98.6kg woman (height 165cm) could look good in a dress escapes me!! If I don't start losing some serious weight I'll miss out on being a yummy mummy at my baby boy's first birthday :-( btw just checked and 98.6kg is around 217lb!! Shocking to me that weigh over 200lbs!!! I'm pretty sure that's heavier than my hubby when first met him - and 1. he's not a small guy and 2. he's pretty much at least 20cm taller than me!!! ok so enough of the negativity! I'm on a mission - even cut out my morning tea with real sugar and condensed milk and replaced with coffee with splenda and coffemate light. Hopefully the wiser choice :-) will keep updating this throughout the day!

3:00pm So today's been a good day so far! I managed to run 2.2km (which Pete my trainer THOUGHT was equivalent to 1 mile but apparently is closer to 2!) anyway, managed to do that in 20 minutes, which though isn't great... it does make me feel great! Cardio is hard at the time, but it feels really really good when complete - like you've accomplished something! And I managed to have oatmeal for breakfast, a salad for lunch (with a little chicken but most removed coz it tasted horrible) - I sneaked a little cheese in but removed most of it, and only used one pot of dressing.  And i've also faltered and had a small coffee from the machine, but all in all not a bad day so far! Plan for dinner is to have a gorgeous breast of chicken, grilled to perfection, with a side salad and grilled veggies! I'm trying to top off all my meals now with a bit of salad :-) Now for a little venting - I was SUPPOSED to have lunch at LPM tomorrow with a few friends - living the lives of desperate housewives!! but i've just been told that I need to be at work! Very annoyed because its something that I really don't need to be here to do, but when you're working with people that are super neurotic and think that they are the centre of the universe, its really hard to have a rational conversation with them! Anyway, other than that - happy days! Will check back in tomorrow with my daily weigh in!

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